Saturday, August 10, 2019

25 things at 25

This birthday has been another one for the books. Thursday, we celebrated at Elamar with one of Elaine's delicious cakes. On my actual birthday night, some of my people went to TopGolf. The next day, all the family got together and Micah planned a surprise birthday lunch after church.

Here are 25 thoughts from 25 years...

1. God's timing is always perfect.

2. There is nothing better than spending time with family and friends.

3. You can't take money or things with you when you die. Spend it wisely. Collect beautiful moments. Take the trips, be adventurous, make the memories.

4. Speak truth. I have found in the past year that my filter really doesn't work. Apparently I have been like this for awhile, but I am realizing it more now. But in my opinion, it is always best to speak the truth, the good, the bad, and the ugly. People will always know where they stand with you. They will always know they can count on me to tell them the truth. And calling people out on their crap and bad attitude makes them take a step back to reevaluate.

5. Always make time for self care. I have at least one night a week that is dedicated to self care. Bubble baths, face masks, Netflix binging.

6. There is something really special about sitting down at the table with your significant other for dinner every night. With no phones, no tv, no distractions. Just that one on one time enjoying dinner together.

7. I really am a dog person. I love my two fur babies and they are very spoiled.

8. Yoga is not only a great form of exercise, but self care too!

9. I really don't know how people make it through life without planners or to do lists. I have to write everything down or I will forget.

10. Now that I live in my own house and we are planning to build in the future, Pinterest is my best friend. (And probably Micah's worst nightmare! LOL) Whoever invented this website is a genius.

11. Write everything down. I love looking back on past blogs or journal entries and reliving memories.

12. There are 168 hours in a week. Learn how to manage your time. (Read 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam)

13. Do not pray for patience unless you want your patience to be tested daily.

14. Have a savings plan. Stick to it.

15. Set goals! I set yearly goals, I have a 30 before 30 list, and I set weekly/monthly goals.

16. Find a partner who can cook. (No, seriously! Micah does most of our cooking. He is way better at it than me.)

17. Space out cleaning and other household chores throughout the week so you don't spend your whole weekend catching up. (Wise words from Mrs. Caroline!)

18. Lululemon is hands down the best. Ever.

19. Having a hair color and style that is low maintenance is probably the best thing I have ever done.

20. There are some people who will always be glass half-empty kind of people. You can't change them. Don't try.

21. In addition to #20, don't let negative people rub off their bad vibes onto you. Stay positive, my friend!

22. Coffee should be poured first thing every morning.

23. Dry shampoo is a gift from the heavens above and washing your hair everyday is for the birds.

24. All seasons are great in their own way, but fall is best of all. The weather, the scents, the colors.

25. Dream big. Be kind. Love hard!

25 is going to be the best year! I'm getting a new last name and an absolutely amazing hubby! Thanks to everyone for a great birthday!