Friday, June 17, 2016


In one month I will be returning to Nicaragua with my church family. Ya'll...I am so blessed to get to go on this trip. When we started planning this trip I did not think I was going to be able to go. I had just quit my job and was not able to afford the trip nor did I have enough time to raise money by the time we were going to buy tickets.

I was not the only one in this situation. Two of my very close friends were not going to be able to go, and if I somehow came up with the money to go, only one of my parents were going to be able to go (because, you know, my parents are a little overprotective and they just can't stand the thought of me traveling to a foreign country without one of them tagging along).

One thing led to another and the date for us to purchase tickets got pushed back A WHOLE MONTH! That left me one single month to raise money to go on this mission trip. A dear friend of mine (who was also not able to afford the expenses of the trip due to being a broke as a joke college kid, like me) and I hosted two paint parties at my church, sold sheets, and sold t-shirts, and the outpouring of love we felt from our friends and family was so humbling. 

I also had two people who are very dear to my heart contribute to my mission trip with very generous donations. These people donated this money out of the goodness of their heart solely for me to get my feet on the ground in Nicaragua and spread God's love. All along I had been questioning if God wanted me to go on this trip or not and when I received these donations, I could do nothing but cry because that was a clear sign to me that God wanted me there. 

My trip was paid for in full by people who bought sheets, bought shirts, attended paint parties, and made donations and for that I am forever grateful. There are no amount of words that can describe how blessed I am to have people in my life who support and encourage me the way these people do.

NOT ONLY am I getting to go to Nicaragua, but BOTH of my very good friends are getting to go, as well as BOTH of my parents!! 


In exactly one month I will have my feet on the ground in this country that has a huge part of my heart. Our current plans are to host a VBS, feed the villages, and have one on one time with families where we distribute necessities and talk to them about God and His love for them. I am so PUMPED to see what God has in store for us this time. 

I pray that I get to see and love on all of my babies that I have grown to love so much over previous trips. I pray that God will use us and that we will lead people to Him. I pray that through the people on this team, the people of Nicaragua will feel an outpouring of Jesus' love. 

Please be in prayer for me and the rest of the team as we prepare for this journey! Our team could still use donations of flip flops, shorts, t-shirts, hygiene items, ramen noodles, and plastic bowls. Most of all...PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!