Friday, October 28, 2016

Happening Lately

Ya'll...things have been HECTIC in my life lately and because of that things have been quiet on the blog front. I completely fell off the blog-tember wagon. Which means my last post was at the beginning of September. Whoops. But working two jobs, owning your own business, being a student, being active in your church, and trying to have a social life is tough.

With all of that being said, here are five pictures to sum up what I have been doing in my free time lately:

1...PreK took on our very first field trip. We went to Isbell Farms to the pumpkin patch. These sweet babies had so much fun. 

2...Fishing Fun. I didn't have to go to work one night after school, so we took the opportunity to go fishing. We fished for about an hour and caught over 10 of these huge catfish. 

3...I have been loving on this sweet baby a lot. He is so full of energy and has the cutest little personality. He has been super loving lately...but he will also grab your face like this and put his mouth right up to your face with gritted teeth, so I am never really sure if he is trying to bite me or love on me. Either way, he is adorable.

4...For Fall Break, the four of us packed up and hit the road for a quick getaway. We arrived at our condo late Saturday night and spent all day Sunday at Dollywood. That night we went out to eat to celebrate Emily and Heather's birthdays. The next morning we ate a big breakfast and went to a few little shops before heading back home on Monday. It was a quick trip, but we had so much fun. (P.S.: Major props to Ryan for surviving this trip with three girls. He was a trooper!)

5...Painting Pumpkins. On a spontaneous Wal-Mart trip, Hannah and I picked out these tiny pumpkins to paint and about three weeks later, we finally had a free night to paint them together. After painting my pumpkin with three different things, I finally started completely over and totally copied Hannah's idea. It was a fun sister-bonding night. (Bad quality picture, but it was the best we could get! LOL) 

PS: I finally figured out how to set it up where ya'll can subscribe to my if you like reading and you would like to be the first to see my posts, just enter your email address in the box to the right. Thank you! ;)