Tuesday, August 29, 2017

23 thoughts at 23

I have had such an awesome birthday with all of my people. I was sang 'Happy Birthday' to a total of 16 times and had 3 whole cakes. It was great! I am so blessed with the best family, friends, students, and co-workers. Here are 23 thoughts at 23...

1. Who let me adult?! I mean really. I feel like I blinked and all of a sudden I have to do all of these adult-y things.

2. Coffee really is a necessity.

3. Bubble baths are a way to regain sanity.

4. Four quarters truly are better than one hundred pennies. You know...like friends? I have three of the best friends and they are such a blessing to me.

5. You will only find true contentment in Christ.

6. Nathan and Haley are couple goals. I know they are fictional characters but they are perfection.

7. This world is too big for you to stay in one place. Save money. See the world. Travel is the best thing you can buy.

8. Way too much of my hard earned money is spent on food and I really need to learn how to cook.

9. Whoever discovered dry shampoo deserves a special place in heaven.

10. This life can be tough but no matter how tough things get, looking for the good and staying positive always makes it better.

11. "It's okay to be a glowstick. Sometimes we have to break before we shine."

12. Letting go of the negative and toxic people in your life is hard but it's for the best.

13. One Tree Hill is the best show to ever be created. I can't believe I am just now watching it. But I'm hooked. And way too emotionally attached to the characters.

14. It is better to try than to look back later in life and ask, "What if?!"

15. Piercings and tattoos really are addicting.

16. Farm life is the best life. It makes it really easy to enjoy the little things. The cotton blooming. The smell of fresh cut hay. The setting sun over the trees. Lightening bugs at night.

17. Being spontaneous is the best kind of adventure. Pack your bag, load up with your best friends and just drive.

18. God has a perfect plan and it will be revealed to you in His perfect timing. Keep your eyes on Him.

19. Riding around with the windows down and the music blaring doubles as therapy.

20. Every year you should mark at least one thing off of your bucket list. (Mine this year is skydiving!)

21. Yoga is so awesome. I was going about four times a week to classes and felt SO GOOD! I stopped going over the summer and I cannot wait to start back!

22. Actions definitely speak louder than words.

23. Regardless of anyone else's image of you, God see's you as worthy.

Thank you all for the best birthday! Here's to another great year!