Sunday, July 10, 2016

Cruising Carnival Triumph // Adventures with MEH

Y'all...cruising is the LIFE! I loved every single minute of it! Unlimited food and drink. Unlimited ice cream and dessert. And tons of live entertainment and fun! I think we ate four or five FULL meals a day. There was every kind of food you could possibly want available on the ship! My personal favorite was the cheeseburger. I don't think I have ever had a cheeseburger that good! We literally had one every. single. day. right before we would get ready for dinner. At dinner, we were able to choose from a variety of options of food and we tried just about everything-even ox tongue! Our waiters were hilarious! I apologize for the blurry picture, but this is an accurate description of how our dinner was every night. They kept us laughing!

There was a ton of live entertainment on the ship. The dancers put on several shows, many of which had live music. And there was at least one or two comedy shows every night. Rob Little (pictured below) was one of the comedians and he was absolutely hilarious! One night, a magician performed and it blew my was awesome!

Being on the ship itself was so relaxing. There were tons of lay out chairs available and the baristas were constantly at our service-checking to make sure we were okay and bringing us drinks. It was so nice being able to kick back and relax and enjoy the ride.

I was amazed at the view! Looking out over the ship, all you could see was the bluest water for miles and miles. I will never look at the color blue the same again after this trip! All the different shades of the ocean were absolutely beautiful. And the sunset...YA'LL! I have never seen a sunset more beautiful! (Pictures do not do justice.)

Our room was very nice, to my surprise. I was expecting a tiny room with an even smaller bathroom and hardly any space to move around, and a tiny little port hole window. Our room consisted of two beds and a couch that pulled out into a third bed. We had all the counter space three girls could possibly need and plenty of room to all get ready. And instead of the tiny port hole I had expected, we had a pretty large window. And that was the best sleep I have ever had! The room was super dark at night and the swaying of the ship rocked me like a little baby!

The ship itself was very complicated to navigate around. I promise you, we got lost going to dinner every night. Every. Single. Night. Not one time did we find our dining room easily. (According to Emily, a very frequent cruiser, this ship had the worst layout of any that she had ever been on before.) We spent a lot of time on the elevators trying to find everything. (Disclaimer: we got on the elevator one night, took a few pictures, talked for awhile, then started wondering why the elevator wasn't moving. Apparently you have to push a button if you want to go somewhere.) The pools on board were very, very small so they were always super crowded. I don't think it would been very enjoyable for anyone who had small children who would have wanted to be in the pool all the time. Next time, we will definitely cruise on a different ship.

I half way expected for at least one of us to get sea sick and I was really afraid it would be me. I get car sick super easy so I wasn't too sure about how I would feel on the ship for five days. We had plenty of medicine just in case, but luckily none of us got sick.

I had the best time cruising with my girls. It was so laid back, relaxed and drama free. It was a much needed girls getaway and an escape from reality for awhile. We are definitely planning another cruise in the near future.

Where have you cruised and what is your favorite cruise line?

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